God is Ready to Answer Your Prayers


Praying Scripture
Scripture Prayer Handouts for Prayer Groups

Whether you pray Scripture prayers in your own quiet time with the LORD,
or with others in a group, Scripture-based prayers can put into words
the deep desires you have for the LORD, and the longings you have
for yourself and for others.

God says He sends out His Word
and it will accomplish what He intends it to do. This is His promise.

As you pray God's Word into your life and into the lives of others,
God does something.

His Word comes alive in you as you believe every one of His Words,
then pray them back to Him.

He changes you and does His work in you and in others.

It is amazing what happens when we pray!

On our site you can download 2 scripture prayer HandOuts. These prayer HandOuts are attractively formatted ready to print.

1. REQUESTS, PRAYERS & THANKSGIVING HandOut to print back-to-back with INTERCESSION prayers on the other side. NOTE: Purchase my book, Praying Through the New Testament, and have all 104 pages of prayers!

2. Read Ponder Pray  HandOut  that also includes the Scripture portion to study and mediate.

Pray these Scripture prayers with Thanksgiving in your heart and watch and see what God does in you and in others...as you pray.


The Scripture based Prayer HandOut is part of the book,
Praying Through the New Testament

The Download HandOut is attractively formatted ready to print out.

#1 Scripture Prayer HandOut

It contains 10 pages of Scripture-based prayers.

It consists of 5 pages of Scripture prayers to pray for yourself

5 pages of Scripture prayers to pray for others (INTERCESSION).  

#2 Read Ponder Pray  HandOut 

These prayers are for women to pray,
for men and fathers to pray, and prayers
for young adults and teens to pray.

God will do something in your life and in those around you as you pray.

Scripture-based Prayer HandOuts

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